Your Personal Message from Archangel Mahasiah

Mahasiah - Angel Of Peace

1. Introduction

Since God’s modus operandi is to lead from behind, humanity is left to be the Standard Bearer whose motivational strength is the greatest tool in the Creator’s sphere of influence. With Mahasiah’s help and effacement, humanity’s model of morality shifts from contentious to generous. Purity is rarer than previously thought, and yet Mahasiah makes this altruistic transformation possible. Only humanity’s unique moral nature is endowed by their Creator, not to whom this moral nature owes a duty. Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed in winning peace through victory by leveraging the skills of others in ministry workers with the Lord. Misuse of the Pharisee-like burden causes despair to all those “laden with heavy burdens, and they are grievously oppressed… and you would not move them with one of your fingers.” Since despair is not a punishment used by God, despair is clearly not one in the answer to prayer in heaven. Personality traits must be refined or completely changed until Mahasiah’s name and activities catch on completely. Angelic guidance will teach humanity “to bless our spiritual Father”, to show emotional support to parents. When God writes His commandments upon our hearts, we become like slaves worshiping only one master. Shaping moral nature is granted to humanity, its calling card, for equitable justice to all.

One of God’s divine names is “The Prince of Peace”. His divine promise is to give humanity an era of global peace, and for the entire human family to live in unity and mutual respect. The business of angels, as Jonak observes, “is caring for the well-being of entire Creation… for the world as a whole and not merely for pieces of it.” Mahasiah is the Angel of Peace, whose name is next to God’s very divine name. His purpose is to ensure that God’s divine promise is fulfilled. Guarding the divine name of God reflects the authority to share and raise humanity’s level of consciousness. In effect, Mahasiah helps people to generate a collective consciousness, to enable adherence to God’s divine promise of global peace. Once generated, humanity will feel a sense of complete trust in God’s divine authority and dedicate our existence and global environment in reverence for God’s love.

2. Understanding the Role of Mahasiah

Also, Seraphim Mahasiah is called for help in the development of love for the surrounding people. Lack of social skills or everyday habits may reduce attention to the feelings and experiences of others. Through the meditative-prayer contact with this ruler, the Guardian Angel helps to find spiritual development, erase negative and heartless emotions and hearts. A person becomes gentle and sensitive to others. He prefers to help friends and others around him. Hostility and the capacity of evil flee before him. At the same time, the angel helps to understand and does not encourage unjust accusations and false jealousy. It is important to remember that the more contacts we have with the guardian angel, the happier and more peaceful in the soul and in the relationship with others he will be. Also, people – cynics and drunkards can find peace of mind and correct perceptions of themselves, their place in life and morality.

The angel Seraphim Mahasiah is recognized as the angel of peace, helping you remove conflicts and misunderstandings with loved ones. This is the 24th angel and is categorized among seraphins. To get to him, it is necessary to constantly communicate with people at home and at work, to help improve the climate in the family and prevent various conflicts and conflicts. The ruler of this person is a healthy and diligent planet, and exalted the angel of love, who promotes feelings of empathy and forestalling.

2.1. Bringing Peace and Harmony

Mahasiah always helps the human being with a true gift of peace; an endless power to bring peace no matter the situation in which they find themselves. With the help of Mahasiah, we can change situations and circumstances, making them more pleasant by ensuring that they become moments of peace and true harmony. As we learned on the previous pages, there are some people who are extremely bitter and never miss an opportunity to manifest their anger and annoyance. With Mahasiah, we have the great chance of achieving this goal by touching people’s hearts and bringing a distinct sense of eternal peace. As our words penetrate the hearts of the troubled, the worried spirit of the person is awakened, and they realize that they need peace, perhaps even more than those who need help.

There is a verse from Psalm 32 that tells us, “Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him.” This means that we must never lose faith, as our angel will always hold us in his love because God is love. The people protected by Angel Mahasiah are very internally linked, always finding love in everything. They have an inexplicable ability to live life to the full. They are perfect companions and spouses, as they are always ready to give themselves to their loved ones, preserving and keeping alive the strength of their character. They have physical excellence in the areas that they like and have great inner beauty of soul. They are very expansive and noble in their thoughts.

Mahasiah, if you were born in the days between January 1st and January 5th, your Guardian Angel is called Mahasiah. The keyword for this angel is “with great kindness.” This angel consoles and helps.

3. Facing Challenges with Strength

Mahasiah, whose name means “work of God”, brings peace, harmony, and strength to support us in overcoming obstacles. Encouragement, harmony, and peacefulness inspire our inner spirit of strength. There are often times when a few kind words are more helpful than we could imagine, and there are times when we need to hear them ourselves. It is said that a smile can warm the coldest heart and that love and hope can change a person’s whole outlook. Peaceful thoughts create peaceful conditions. Our inner guidance whispers to us.

It would be wonderful if no difficulties ever came our way. At least now and then (or sometimes almost constantly), tough situations arise or unexpected, adverse conditions interfere with our plans. Thankfully, within each of us is a deep well of strength we can call upon to support us in times of difficulty. Our courage and ability to face and endure challenges comes from this infinite spirit of strength within us. Divine life and divine energy are the substance of whom we are made, and they are within each of us, waiting to support and inspire us.

3.1. Embracing Inner Peace

It is inter-dimensional communication with an angel of peace, Mahasiah himself, the real Angel of Peace, invoking angelic beings or elemental spirits. It is invoking and containing the immeasurable and powerful energies of Mahasiah to help create peace, to give peace, and just be peace. We invoke the practical teachings of Mahasiah to find peaceful solutions to any problem: whether it is a very personal problem, a family problem, a community problem, or a global problem. It is the outpouring of a Divine spirit. Peace infuses us from Mahasiah and the very best of us with both peace and passion, thus furthering the road we are all molding behind us through our very thoughts and actions. For peace and goodwill can indeed shape eternity if we so choose. And the very essence of sanctity can shape eternity if we so choose. And so there is so much joy we leave behind us when we create unity and bring about important changes. Exceptional moment-to-moment decisions to replace hostility with openness and to search for common ground help cool our impatience and make for progress without any feelings of intolerance. It is our profound respect for the sacredness of all life and our ability to honor love that ultimately heals and fosters the fulfillment of acceptance of peace within our hearts.

In order to quiet our restless minds and achieve a sense of peace, we have to realize that peace inside can be achieved by not engaging in negative thoughts. What we send out into the world is kept in our own thoughts and must inevitably return. So if we genuinely desire peace, then, as difficult as it may seem, we have to rise above the negative, self-centered aspects of our personality. World peace genuinely means individuals within the world living in peaceful families. Therefore, the true and enduring work of peace begins within the individual. Each one of us has to embrace life and enjoy our very existence. Once we enjoy our own lives, we will become a very gentle, considerate person, which is the foundation of world peace. Our thoughts and dreams can create a far better, safer, and more loving future for all.

4. Guidance for Overcoming Obstacles

Mahasiah will also give his protégés success! This angel will assure us success in one way or another. For example, success can be achieved in military activities if that is our job, and good results can also be achieved in the love bond that the protégé will undertake. This angel also gives power to ideas and the possibility of foreign trips. Other people under the power of this guardian angel will have as their purpose the study of the combative earth and also theology.

This guardian angel offers a lot of calm and tranquility for the heart of the human being. Thanks to that, he can turn all human beings into people who, in their actions, strive to wade through obstinately and above all to be a never-ending source of peace. He will also strive to spread peace and serenity to those around him because the ultimate goal of every human being is to reach eternal happiness. This is also a time when Mahasiah invites his protégés to work on themselves, to improve. He will try to turn the most malicious spirits into good. Only in this way will eternal peace be guaranteed for the protégé.

We can also ask this angel for help when we have obstacles to solve; we can ask him to make us see only a solution to our problems. Reading his words when you have any concerns will produce an extraordinary effect. The words of Mahasiah are inspiring and full of wisdom.

4.1. Practicing Patience and Resilience

We are accustomed to using shortcuts on the PC, in conversation, in business, and not to mention the few characters of Twitter. All that is with the intention of gaining time. Losing time is the same as losing money! The benefits of productivity are maximized. For those who have no time to waste in dynamism, hurry should be their vade mecum. Gaining time in anything we do is to gain salutary minutes for productive tasks, and it is essential to achieve what we define as success. We use many expedients to optimize our time, and regardless of their effectiveness, we conclude that “lost time is the same as losing money!” Therefore, we should avoid anguish, vices, words, attitudes, and encounters as they do not help us cope with the urgency of everyday business on peace promotion.

No one in this world would like to wait. We do not like to wait for buses, cinema shows, lights, and exploration of products in the supermarket at all. Nowadays, if people have to wait for any reason, like being caught by the natural traffic light, it is interesting to observe the reactions that will emerge. For sure, at least one car horn will be heard, but it is very likely that we will know about many complaints. Everybody wishes things not only to happen but to happen quickly. The technological revolution has made our contemporaries have access to everything we want in a faster way, and when something does not happen as quickly as we wish, complaints immediately appear.

5. Conclusion

To conclude, we must pray to Him, because in our way back to unity, to the absolute, and therefore to our thermonuclear and natural unification, if we need is to ask and we will be given; if we need to find, we only have to seek, and if we knock, it will be given to us. Because everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to those who knock the door will be opened.

This work, carried out from the educational and evangelical point of view, has exposed the Cabalistic-Kabbalah reality of the Angel of Peace, an authentic extract of Mercy that the Celestial Mercy makes available to all men, naturally both the rationalist and the religious and even to none of them, since that mercy is not exclusive of faith, of hope or of charity in God. The Mercy is of an authentic mystical and transcendental feeling of pure love, and therefore it is a gift for each one because men who are called children of God, since he is a kind and merciful Father as well as a powerful and supreme King.