Seraphic Angels

Angel Ariel – Shield of Faith: Finding Security in God’s Promises

Dear Believer,

Be aware that you are greatly cherished and loved. During times of sorrow and distress, it might seem like the shadows are overpowering, taking away all hope from your heart. However, I encourage you to recall that your resilience comes from the enduring assurances of the Divine, whose infinite love has no limits and never forsakes His dear ones.

Keep hope, as His never-ending affection is not merely a far-off idea, but a real power that surrounds you, acting as your invincible protection and unwavering sanctuary amidst the hardships of life’s rough challenges. His affection, like a caring hug, offers comfort and reassurance, gently removing sorrow and whispering uplifting words to your tired heart.

Let His affection fill the void inside, to cure the pain, for in His affection, you will discover the determination to persevere and the bravery to continue. So, even in the most difficult times, hold onto the understanding that the intensity of God’s affection for you goes beyond understanding, and with every heartbeat, He is there, holding you forever.

1. The Power of Faith

Life is undeniably fragile. We can die. We can be hurt. Our loved ones can be snatched away from us through prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, and sudden accidents. Some of what we most need to know is what we need to do to eliminate completely the fear of mortal power of death or other destructive mortal conditions. In this world of uncertainty, war, fear, stress, and transgression, all of us surely need to know how to get the protection of warding off the fear that is part of the mortal condition and that is possible to make our families completely safe.

There is tangible power in faith to gain all the good promised for those who, even when their faith is poor as a grain of mustard seed, are willing to nourish it and allow it to grow. The mortal power of decision allows every soul to become its master with the exercise of faith. That faith, when centered in Christ, calls down blessings of strength and grace no other means can provide. It enables us to confess, receive forgiveness, and be healed. Let us learn how to be invulnerable with the armor of faith that the chief purpose of every child of God is to acquire eternal life in righteousness and to help others achieve the same exaltation.

1.1. Definition and Importance

The importance of faith cannot be overemphasized. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” “The just shall live by faith.” True wisdom comes to us when we act upon God’s Word, believing that His way is our only way. Faith is the basis for every aspect of Christian living. It was for our faith that Christ Jesus took our burdens of sin upon His shoulders and gave His perfect life as the ransom for the sins of the world. We cannot come to our Lord, nor can we continue to run successfully in the race for the prize of eternal life, if we do not humbly and sincerely believe that Jesus was the Son of God, the perfect man and the ransom Himself. However, even recognizing His role brings no benefit to us if we do not personally apply both our belief in Jesus and our confidence in God’s Way as the secure foundation for a God-pleasing life.

What is faith? Faith is trust. It is confidence in the reliability of God’s provisions and the methods by which He provides. It is the assurance with which we act upon our trust. It is the basis for our reliance on God’s advice. It is our acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s counsel. It is our evidence of that which is invisible and inaccessible to our physical selves. It is total dependence on God — recognizing, admitting and relying entirely upon the fact that His way is the only way. Faith is our way of life. It is the very positive force that sustains us and prevents our being swept away by sin’s great flood. In all our strife against evil, let our foundation be a firm belief in God’s love and mercy, and in the fact that we are saved through faith in His Word.

2. God’s Promises as a Source of Strength

Imprisoned in the Realm of Desolation, Satan’s torment is matched and mitigated in equal amounts by his hatred of man and his jealousy for man since his fall from grace. His fatal revenge is a bid to rival his Creator’s capacity for creation. He strikes fear into man’s heart by appealing to that which attracts and pleases man. But man’s hope lies in God’s goodwill and the spawn of Divine Grace that pulls him away from the wrath of the Supreme Sovereign Being. Though God allows man to be tested by demons, Satan’s ultimate fate was sealed through God’s Covenant with man.

Angel Ariel, in association with the 2nd Ray, has been identified as the “Angel of Healing.” Together with Lady Hope, the servant of the 2nd Ray, Ariel directs the movement of energy that upholds the God assurance of our victory over illness. The teachings of the Church on the discernment between deception and charism warn through the liturgy that “the devil may act through healing.” Care must be taken that the devil’s energy is not underestimated. When exorcised from the demoniac, the demon leaves the person formerly possessed with a somewhat withered appearance. Although the appearance of the demon who had been making the man mute for a number of years had been rather vigorous, the entity’s sentence of forbiddance had withered its host to such an extent that when the Lord asked the demon its name, no human voice replied. The power of God’s Presence and Divine Word were sufficient to render the demon powerless prior to its exorcism.

3. Practical Steps to Embrace the Armor of Faith

Once we are filled with God’s armor of faith to withstand the evils and terrors of life in today’s world, we must then embrace it! All are brighter, and better, and braver, when the family shares in the blessings from God. The love of family, and the love of brethren, invigorating and establishing all.

We study and have studied the armor of faith as expressed in Ephesians 6, so we can stand arm in arm with others and arm in arm with the God whose promises make us impenetrable. We see His trainings fashioned specifically for everyone; and we gird up our loins of truth, and we put on the breastplate of His righteousness, and shod our feet with the peace from His word; also taking the shield of faith that He has given her/ each and every one of us, to withstand the fiery darts of Satan, as we follow the drummer Jacob (‘The Righteous Judge’) back to His ever-firm loving embrace. We are covered every moment, so we, as warriors of God, and as living miracles of Christ, are not only protected from Satan and his vast, strategic army (which we cannot number), but we are provided the blessings of carrying the righteous defense of the children of God. How precious we are to our Lord indeed!

3.1. Prayer and Meditation

Ask Jesus to become real and alive in your daily life. You can talk to Him about your fears, your hesitancy, your current frame of mind, and your uncertainties. You can even ask Him to help you understand Scripture or to help you recall useful verses from the Bible. Maybe you need to learn or chisel the concepts envisioned in this chapter. It may not always be easy to come into God’s presence. Concentration doesn’t always replace the wandering of the mind, but the Holy Spirit is pleased with your desire. He draws you to Jesus and lovingly guarantees that the warrior can touch you. There, in fellowship with Jesus, your Heart Warrior, some of these ideas may turn into specific requests for life in the here and now, when your armor functions, and then your Heart Warrior wants to lead you into action.

Take time for God, asking for His help to stay focused. Remember, God is strength. He carries you. He doesn’t steer you into a battle without also guiding and empowering you. Ask for clarity concerning your fears or doubts about the battle. Enter the heavenly courts (Psalm 100:4, 5). Praise and thank God that His truths are eternal, regardless of the uncertainties in this world. Speak those truths directly to God as you claim them as promises. Offer your list of spiritual and material needs to Jesus. Depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power to help you wait expectantly and thankfully, because the battle you are facing is God’s concern. As you come to Jesus, the warrior, you can do so without artificial, pious language or previously composed quotes from the Bible if they are not expressing your current need or desire.

4. Encouragement Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I’m reaching out to you with a heavy heart filled with intense sadness and despair. I’m searching for your guidance and comfort during this difficult time, knowing that only you can heal my wounded soul. Please give me the strength to face this challenging journey with unwavering faith in your wisdom.

Surround me with your love and bring peace to my troubled heart as I navigate through this emotional storm. Let your presence be my guiding light, giving me hope that your love will prevail even in the darkest times. During periods of unpredictability, help me to concentrate on Your unwavering commitments and discover resilience in Your teachings. Allow Your honesty to embolden me and ignite a fervent optimism within me.

Understanding that You are constantly by my side, guiding me through the shadows towards the illumination, provides me solace. Shine light on my way, Almighty, and lead my hesitant steps. With every move I make, may Your existence be a steady signal, brightening the path ahead, shining even when the darkness threatens to overwhelm.

As I navigate through life’s complex challenges, give me a strong clarity of mind and a steady ability to make wise choices that align with Your will. Let Your endless wisdom fill my mind, overcoming my fears and worries, as I fully trust in Your divine plan for my life. In this important moment of prayer, I humbly release my fears and anxieties at Your caring feet, knowing with deep certainty that You hear and understand my pain.

Thank You, dear Lord, for Your overflowing grace and for being my unwavering source of strength and unwavering comfort. In Your magnificent presence, I find comfort, safety, and deep healing. With every passing moment, may Your limitless love surround me, embracing every part of my wounded heart, bringing about a deep transformation, restoration, and a profound peace that surpasses understanding. Amen.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peace and blessings,

Angel Ariel