Your Personal Message from Archangel Vehuiah

Saturday, 29 March 2025

Vehuiah – Angel of Transformation

1. Introduction to Vehuiah

Becoming aware of that hidden power, we can unite will and energy to thus turn most of our ideas into an exciting, powerful, and victorious reality. Vehuiah is the angel of courage, faith, and enthusiasm. When the barren years crush our hearts with fatigue, despair, and disillusion, Vehuiah’s energies give us the impetus to get back on the path of action. He maintains harmony with the angels or superior geniuses of the 72 names of God. Little evolved people want to dominate everything, lead everyone in any activity, advice, or knowledge.

Vehuiah’s name means attribute of God, ruler and controller of the winds and other elements, infinite healer and vivifying force. He is the prince and first propitiatory angel, the first ray in the Kabbalistic tradition, the very power of God so that all enemies have before him fathomless respect. Vehuiah is the giver of strength to control people, to protect against adversity and confusion. He represents the force that establishes order, discipline, and harmony in the community. Through Vehuiah, vitality and constructive energy that we did not know we had are achieved.

1.1. Understanding the Role of Vehuiah in Transformation

To encode the fiery energies of Vehuiah is to be setting out on the path to transformation. When we change in accordance with the laws of reality, we bring the divine reality into the world. Even more, we turn the energy in negative things around and reverse the curse of the original sin. With the consciousness of human beings thus growing more focused, the creation of the whole will also come to express that consciousness. Through effective action, you will serve the divine resolution that speculation attempts at, rising the power that fulfills the intention upwards. You will awaken Universal Consciousness to the laws of creation.

2. Facing Troubles and Sin: A Spiritual Perspective

God remains—The Lord accomplishes and He is doing. He does everything that His Will would require. And as the world of humanity seems to advance, so all mankind will sense the power integrated within the potential outside the human, and this connection establishes mental and organismic order. Summon or draw from the Lord—it is not a misinterpretation of God’s Will. Similarly, The Lord is a shield and a light. Powers, riches, live in Him with potential commuted, and in history the gifts stemming from greatness are asked for and sought. However, the power of blessing demonstrates the ability to widen the band. Such expansion comes through intimate knowledge of content, and then, when entrusted with greatness capable of carrying the external, the ability to transmit blessings over a long stretch of acquisition might be estimated.

Maldonado Drewzelius is just one of many who has written about the potential of humans to face troubles and sin, and given the perspectives provided in Spiritualism, this potential is real. The world of spiritual struggle was first elaborated upon by Jewish theologians, and the dominant view was that evil was not a separate spiritual force operating behind the scenes and trying to destroy all good that has been made and continues to be created by the higher power or God, and people could never give their allegiance to an entity or power that was in competition with the main power, but they could get attached to their self-importance, and because other individuals worshiped or idolized them, they gained popularity and self-aggrandizement, which formed part of the pleasures of the world. With human striving for power and pleasure as relatively weak forces than belief in the main power or creativity of the divine or God, spirituality and its possibilities were lost and the theology became a “theodicy” that only explained away the sometimes negative parts of human existence.

2.1. Embracing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth

Substituting challenges means consistently thinking productively. The process of moving from the problem to opportunity can be quite graceful, and the feeling of satisfaction and outcome, quite immense. This workbook assists you on transitioning from challenges to opportunities. You begin to feel and witness this transformation. Joblessness becomes an opportunity to embark on a new career. Under-employment becomes an opportunity to retake and prepare; it allows you time to establish your footing. Transition becomes time for reflection and time to grow. Nothing more. Each growth experience will make you better prepared. What challenges are most responsible for inhibiting your success? Can you reframe these challenges as opportunities? With the right amount of emphasis, the challenge can tonight his newfound importance and transform into growth.

Quite often, what we perceive as a negative event is such only at the time. Therefore, Vehuiah is able to help us view situations in their totality, so we can grow, learn, and become more of who we are meant to be. If you connect and align yourself with Vehuiah, you can be sure that he will walk with you as your guide, mentor, and friend. Over time, you grow even if you do not see your growth. It does not mean it is not happening. Similar to the way that a flower elk addresses, seeds become ripe, and then sprout without any being able to see the process that takes place. At some point, what could take the form of challenges will change into opportunities for growth and transformation.

2.2. Recognizing the Importance of Self-Reflection

However, if you do not feel fear about the future, and you do not feel uneasy and uncomfortable in your work and with your life, then you are not in this stage. But, think about the following concerns, look for understandings, eternal questions, and whenever possible, answers to them. You need to reflect on every question that arises based on your existential level of understanding, because it is of individual nature. No one can do this, but only you. Although we have received different potentialities to excel, we do not have clarity on the fact that those potentials, together with the skills, are not enough on their own. You also need to understand that these potentials should not necessarily be changed or manipulated based on the will of social standards, which are precisely taught to us. We may well confuse the true existence of the experience and, as a consequence, run the risk of seeking new characteristics through social standards and forget the true meaning of our existence.

In such situations, when we are so merely caught up in work and constantly chasing tail, when we apparently have no time to make even a minimum reflection, we lose the compass and we only follow the directions. If this is your case, you need to stop! You have to stop and think about what you are doing with your life! You’re going through it at work, right? If you ask, “Life? What life?” It doesn’t matter the circumstances that led you to be in this situation. Whatever the cause of your situation, see it as temporary, even if it is lasting. But do not give up on your need to know who you are! This is a period of uncertainty and uncertainty on your part, which is something that leads you to make indecisive decisions or to retract possibilities assume the achievement of your own existence. At this stage, reflections appear that demonstrate your ability to realize your limits and appear as questions or sentences, prompting specific behaviors, which suggest the possibility of overcoming this stage in your existence.

3. Tools and Practices for Transformation

The Golden Circle of Protection serves as an ideal server for various help and defense programs. It can be used long in advance and for all types of strong protection without the subjects knowing about it. Ethereal Diamond Cross can cancel various forms of energetic damage caused by people arbitrarily doing what is not permitted. The Ethereal Pyramid has to be modified and used to return unwanted and unauthorized programs cast. These three rules are especially true: appropriate size, correct time, and deadline. Only one centralized management will deal with all the necessary issues.

One triangle grown on the angles of 30:30:120 containing an inscribed Circle of Harmonization comes very useful for dynamic practices related to communication, learning, perception, and personal growth. Its dimensions of 14 cm base and 23.8 cm height give it very powerful properties. Meditation upon this figure, its color schemes, and practices leafed from the Tetractis Wisdom contained within, provide many abilities and solutions. The ethereal mind library image, with all of its circulating and vibrating ethereal energy symbols and information, shall bring the most benefit when drawn at the corresponding time and with the best style, color, color schemes, and the correct letters. Many folded, medicinally and magically prepared, the Golden Tiara Circle has much wider uses than those of protection against various damage. It is the bruised yarn bound with traditional Saffron.

The life-giving world-governing form of Deep Blue Royal and other Blue has been recommended in many of the lessons for its powerful life-transforming effects covering a wide spectrum of spiritual and practical human activities. Praying, meditation, and spiritual study may also be enhanced by this healing high-energy variable spectrum light. The ultraviolet color is a unique and greater enhancer for all kinds of spiritual and physical healing by means of the transmutation of energies. Generating an unseen transparent protective energy shield – a bubble of bright shining light – is highly desirable in cleaning one’s aura from alien energies before entering the meditative or prayer state. This also creates a safe and protected space where one is constantly safe. The size of the mentioned color charged bubble of bright shining light must be sufficient to create an energy echo effect, where one feeds off of one’s own energy.

Easily remembered, simplest practices have been found very effective in establishing and maintaining the energy fields generated by the powerful messages from Vehuiah – Angel of Transformation. A few are discussed in this part.

3.1. Meditation and Prayer as Pathways to Inner Peace

These special energies of the words and prayers are infused into Ayurvedic teas and other healing drinks that we might prepare to help others. When dedicating the special prayers on the drink and in the energy of nurturing, the energy is transferred even greater than an individual who has not drowned in prayer. Angel of transformation and change, help us make a change. It can result in making the best choice of the recipe ingredients so the best can be then infused into the drink. These healing drinks can be offered in love to others to help nurture their body by providing a needed balance. The drink and the blessing are filled also with the soul’s love and joy, and these special qualities give strength and a boost to the recipient, beyond that of any more well-tended drink.

Below is a guided blessing work that involves praying affirmations with love in our heart to be reminded of the best and encouraged to do the best. Guarding us from feeling down, and guarding us from resentment, guarding us from judging others, and keeping our faith in humanity and in their path. During meditation and prayer, the heart is calmed and nurtured.

Vehuiah guides us to meditation and prayer as paths to inner peace and also to being connected to our higher self. Vehuiah’s kind guidance encourages us to regularly practice these practices and mentions that the words and prayers in our ritual prayers not only help us stay connected with our soul but they also hold special energies that invigorate and nourish our soul. Often, doing prayers and affirmations, we feel that the words are contributing positive nurturing energies out and within ourselves at the same time.

4. The Power of Forgiveness and Self-Compassion

However, we are not saying that it is easy to learn this high level of self-knowledge. Don’t mistake us! It is the height of difficulty! The word “transformation” is wonderful because it combines the concepts of triumph and pain, growth and suffering. We are providing messages to a message that deals fundamentally with the forgiveness and protection of the angel Vehuiah, who can help you in an entire walk, through a complete course, so that you can use the power of forgiveness in your favor.

Forgiveness is a phrase that symbolizes liberation. Only within the framework of forgiveness can we truly express self-compassion. Then we align with Vehuiah, our guiding angel. Everything starts with forgiveness. We all realize that it is not worth waking up with one’s backpack full of feelings that can often even harm those who we think we have not forgiven ourselves. They remain inside, contaminating the body and spirit with weariness and stagnation, which can lead us to fall even into dis-ease. Such poisons easily lead you away from the main highway, restricting your vision and your ability to grow. So always remember it: it starts from within. First, try to forgive yourself.