Seraphic Angels

Saint Christopher – Safe Haven: Discovering Peace in Heaven’s Protection

Dear Believer,

Stay strong, my beloved companion, for you always have company during difficult times. Your hardships and sorrows, even though they may weigh on you, are understood by the caring heart of the Almighty, who remains resolute as a powerful shield, keeping you safe from danger.

Despite being lost in the shadows, you can count on his radiant light to lead you to a place of peace and optimism.

As I, Christopher, stand beside you, it is my holy obligation to remind you of the divine protection that surrounds you, guarding you from life’s toughest challenges.

Altogether, we shall begin a quest to uncover the indescribable serenity nestled deep inside of you, yearning to be roused and treasured.

1. Facing Challenges with Faith

Saint Christopher lived his faith through service by offering to those with whom he connected. It was not faith that made Christopher a giant; rather, it was his willingness to offer his faith to people as he connected with them and formed relationships across barriers of age, culture, and religion. The belief structures of Christopher’s parents and those he met affirmed and validated his personal care and compassion. Just as the giant served as a guide to draw international attention to the glory and goodness of God in his lifetime, he is still a symbol of support for believers and non-believers alike more than 1700 years after his death, and his deathbed conversion led to his canonization.

Recognizing the impact of Saint Christopher’s lifelong challenges makes his willingness to help others reach their destinations even more significant. Throughout Christopher’s difficult journey, he required faith more than once, and indeed, faith influenced his identity and place in history in ways that we still celebrate today. One of the greatest gifts from the legend of Saint Christopher is to reflect upon his lessons for facing challenges with faith. A hallmark of devotion to Christopher, both in past times and today, is that he provides protection to all people, regardless of their own faith. Christopher’s model of service draws upon the gifts of faith applied to actions of service to others.

1.1. Understanding the Trials and Tribulations

In all of these cases, leaders and their followers, in their roles of recruiting, leading, and guiding, must figure out how to best address today’s challenges with the future clearly in mind. Whether they are committed believers set against the mainstream, or sponsors, supporters, and potential followers, those beginning and managing their participation in activities associated with the not-for-profit sector have a sense of commitment and a vision for the future that business leaders can only hope to encourage in their paid employees. Even when times are dire, the believers’ dedication, belief in the goal, and respect for the history of their cause can only serve those leading such organizations well.

There are many reasons why individuals or organizations might face significant challenges in the pursuit of their goals. The trial might result from external pressures – from the scarcity of resources often associated with relatively new endeavors in both the profit and not-for-profit sectors or from exposure to those with established and conflicting ideas. These challenges can be daunting. They can come from enemies old and new – from political, religious, or commercial opponents, and even from friends and colleagues with whom beliefs change over time and who are themselves finding the struggle difficult. And the challenge can come from within – from personal failings that affect the ability to carry forward the mission. These types of challenge provide a unique set of circumstances that, through shared respect, faith, vision, and encouragement, good leaders must set out to manage.

2. Saint Christopher’s Life and Teachings

One day, Christopher asked the king, “My liege, I have been in your service a long time and, indeed, I owe you a great deal for my present prosperity. Yet fully half my wages and perquisites are paid in lieu of your person, and another twenty-five percent is spent in arms and clothing suitable for constant display at your side. This is not just to me or my family.” The king frowned at the suggestion that he might not be worth what the largest portion of Christopher’s wage might be. “It is not for evil I suggest we try a different course, but for richer good. Let me serve your masquerade for one day; engaged in your deeds, I shall be free to meet you on a scale of commonality, without sumptuous trappings or guards, and wash away my attire and sit at your board without portents.” The king thought it not a bad idea and agreed. Christopher took about the business of arranging a day with the king’s business at the palace, and from then on, Christopher attended the king’s needs personally.

As a youth, Christopher decided he would go to the king and offer himself as a servant. This was, of course, a dangerous thing to do, since at that time, the king was a cruel man. His subjects lived in fear of decisions with which they did not agree, or of violent responses to crimes. Nevertheless, Christopher went to the palace and offered his services. The king, in need of servants, accepted and took Christopher into his court. Over the next few years, Christopher began to ascend the ranks of the king’s court. Although Christopher maintained the respect of the people with his clean, honest ways, living in the presence of a starving king became more than he was willing to bear.

2.1. Journey to Faith and Conversion

Part of Christopher’s practical preparation for the journey was his providing a means of transportation to his fellow travelers. Thus, he offered a most significant service to his Lord. Our practical preparation for ministry suggests some necessary service. In a true sense, each of us as a believer needs to demonstrate a spirit of hospitality to our Lord. In our service and love for our brothers and sisters, we do indeed serve the Lord. May it be during our lifetime on earth that the Lord will recognize some of his generosity; that we have indeed offered him some earthly rest.

The conflicted life of Saint Christopher may serve as a metaphor for the human search for meaning. Christopher’s family lost their wealth during his youth. Christopher, eager to regain the family wealth, turned to the service of the local king who would help him. For some time, he sought out the greatest lord in the world. However, upon recognizing that the devil was afraid of that lord, he decided to become his servant. Initially, he discovered an irrational hesitance at becoming a Christian. Strangely, he was attracted to Christianity and repelled at the same time. He was instructed in the faith by a local hermit and at last could be considered a Christian. Christopher’s baptism appears to have been an emotional conversion which has triggered his spiritual transformation.

3. Seeking Peace and Protection

Christ began to visit the church more often, to be interested in the meaning of the readings, to attend divine services more often. The nightingales sang lessons for him. His stomach groaned from hunger. Lord visited Chrisyophys and made the Gospel clear to him: Feed on the dumbones of desires; feed on my word, it will be your meat and drink. In fasting and prayer, he trespassed against his flesh and crucified. Long nights gave place to by-stemming. He learned literacy from the wandering physician Mueller. Be a wise man and work in the Holy Church, he said at parting. He was baptized in the Catholic Church. This lesson was of vital importance for him. He became holy and belonged to the Martyr’s army. At first, Christopher was a head of state property. Now he had become a servant of God.

The final main stage of Saint Christopher’s religious and philosophical search, the search for peace, is one of the main themes of our time. Chrisyophys, as he is named after his baptism, promised his heart to the Virgin and the Infant. In honor of the miraculous, he took from the saints’ icons rolled up and oriented cotton wigs that had not been burned. With impunity, he touched heated iron-glass Uncle Fyodor. The boy feigned death and slept soundly until evening. Returning home, he fell down and out of joy, and because he had overcome the trial, he told the nurse to name the obedient child Christopher. Lord God, have you saved your servant! You were named by Christ himself. Go, confess and baptize and teach my faith in that great city.

4. Conclusion

We are constantly challenged to reconcile two demands – to increase our productivity (be efficient with our available resources) and to maintain the meaningfulness of our work (believe in our mission). It’s a tough balancing act in an era of turbulence and transition. To reach our goal, we must seek to harmonize, enkindle, and refine. Saint Christopher can be our inspiration. We are existentially restless. Productivity alone cannot quench that restlessness – it can simply circumscribe the vacuum. Let us reach out and strive for the balanced completion of being – for truly dynamic and holy productivity. Our ability to do this will be the ultimate test of our common humanity.

The challenges of employees, social good, and self-growth are day-to-day experiences in both the religious world and the business world. They are both about people. Both allow us to live the life we want to lead. Business environments today must lead effectively to bring the best out in people. Ninety percent of the people believe that business should make a positive contribution to society. Ninety percent of the people believe that understanding and respecting religious beliefs is important in the workplace. Ninety percent of the people believe that morality is not possible without religion. The vast majority of us believe that religious beliefs are important to the people who hold them – and that they should be treated with consideration and respect. Our challenge is to identify and implement the religious practices that can help us bring the best out in the people we work with and live with.

5. Encouragement Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I arrive with a burdened heart, seeking solace and tranquility from You. I have confidence in Your unwavering love and shelter.

Please guard me from life’s challenges and infuse me with Your resilience.

Assist me in relying on You and seeking sanctuary in Your company. Envelop me with Your divine beings and direct my path every day.

I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Do not be afraid, my friend. God is your secure refuge, and His shield knows no bounds.

Peace be with you always.

Saint Christopher