Seraphic Angels

Saint Jude – Faith-Fueled Abundance: God’s Plan for a Life of Plenty

Dear Believer,

During times of deep sorrow and great pain, remember that the care of the Almighty for you is limitless and His heavenly intentions for your life are full of unmatched plenty and abundant blessings.

Your ongoing experiments may be temporary and passing, but the blessing and kindness given to you by the Divine are never-ending and timeless. Depend completely on His precise timing, and cultivate a steadfast belief within your heart, for be certain that He is carefully coordinating every aspect of your life for the sake of your overall health and success

1. Understanding Faith in the Face of Adversity

It helps to imagine people everywhere accepting and carrying out their faith journey as a matter of choice, a daily process, and embracing the presence of its holy trials. These trials are often misinterpreted as proof of the false belief that God is hellbent on making our lives miserable, or worse, does not exist to, supposedly, provide revelation of His unmasking. Yet people of faith have an identity of resistance, a beneficial mindset that encourages them to endure tribulations with righteous intent. They are open to undergoing strife and tribulation to progress and make a stand for their sacred morality, for their faith and love, for the glory of God, for the following of their reasoned consciousness as men and women of faith.

In Scripture, there is the tale of King Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian. Though he had been brutal, abusive, and unjust to the Jewish people, he himself was treated with mercy from God, who decreed that he should remain a raving madman and should not be restored to his proper mind. On the other hand, the People of Nineveh, though they had been violent, abusive, and unjust to the Jewish people, repented from their sins and asked God’s forgiveness. Their plea was heard, and they were spared the destruction that had been set aside for them. Nineveh, although a gentile city, was entrusted with the expression of the idea of collective repentance, what it meant, what could happen when it was practiced. Yet without understanding that there is a deeper unspoken faith-layer to this, the message conveyed is: “Violence and abuse works, and restoration regrettably does not.”

2. Practical Steps to Strengthen Your Faith

Believe in your faith, choose to stand in prospering faith, and thank the person involved (God) who has already given you the gift of abundance that surely belongs to you. That is the gift of Saint Jude Thaddeus. Allow the Divine to give, and let the blessings flow. Knowing yourself is the journey to knowing God better. There is no disbelieving in that. By seeking your right to receive, you will be more equipped to be a wise steward to give. Stay open to receive many good things in your life. God’s way is to bring you more and not less in faith.

You need to believe the Word in order to defend it. Protection equals wisdom. Guess what? Saint Jude’s protection is with you always, already open to receiving.

You strengthen your belief in God by serving others. Ask God to direct you to serve those people that you are meant to help. Encouraging family, friends, and business associates to strengthen their beliefs and to care for the needs of others is vital.

Keep a Saint Jude vigil candle to thank him for his presence in your life. He is ready and able to help you. Setting intentions to grow your faith, your ability to stand in faith is key. Saint Jude is the best saint to manifest your desires without losing faith.

Your prayers to Saint Jude and to Jesus Christ will create your field of philanthropy. A private union with the Divine is key to creating your faith-filled abundance. You strengthen your belief in God by trusting in God. Trust and faith hold hands. Spend time with the Divine. Ask for blessings and miracles on behalf of yourself and others. Your intention counts heavily.

The following are some practical steps that will help you strengthen your faith in God. The first step is to realize that lack in any form is not a punishment from God but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. Claiming your natural right to be an abundant being does not depend on anyone else’s or any organization’s well-being. You are safe and protected in your unwavering faith because God’s ways are surrounded by love.

3. Embracing God’s Abundance in Daily Life

In our personal reflection, among many things related to Saint Jude, we are given for a specific purpose. We know with Saint Jude that we are engaged in a most powerful, fruitful, and necessary ministry. While the Church’s great riches can never be measured less, we take to God in prayer our needs and the needs of those who ask us to pray for them, we begin to understand how faithful stewardship of the abundance Christ gives us is a most fruitful means of evangelization.

We must root ourselves within the loving heart of Saint Jude and so continue to draw upon greater well-being in our own experiences of God’s abundance. Then we become empowered as we ensure it within our families, the Church, and the communities where we live and work. What is essential is that helps to sustain us in Christ both in health and adversity is the praise of the Christian community, the sacraments, and regular frequent devotional prayer at Mass, the Most Holy Sacrament, and in prayerful, personal reflections upon God’s loving, sustaining presence not only in our life experience but in the life experiences of our personal family, friends, co-workers, and those persons with whom we are joined in love and friendship who might need our prayers most.

3.1. Financial Blessings

If you have problems that need solving, don’t worry because Saint Jude has the plan to fulfill your financial dreams. Are you trying to get a job, or start a business, or make a deal? Do you have money that needs to be freed from someone’s grasp, or to pay a debt, or to pay your bills, or to buy something you need? Do you want to save, invest, or make a fortune? Of course you do, or you would not be silently wishing that you could win the lottery. All of this is completely relevant, as long as it is not at the expense of a proper relationship with God. Saint Jude is God’s friend and messenger before Jesus, and Jesus shows that the more than enough attitude includes financial gifts from the Lord.

After eight years of not being able to find a job, Saint Jude must have been overjoyed to be able to provide for his loved ones and have some financial security. I am sure that he rejoiced when Jesus sent him a client after he had helped Jesus become a lawyer. And I expect that Jude was glad to be able to feed those in need, as they started coming to him for help, and as they still do, to call him the Patron of Hopeless Causes. But Saint Jude did not seem to struggle with the financial concerns that most of us must deal with our entire lives. It seems that all the financial worry throughout the centuries has been for nothing because we could have claimed help from Saint Jude.

3.2. Emotional Wellbeing

Pleasure is another matter altogether. “In your presence is fullness of joy,” the psalm states. The emotional gifts of love and fulfillment promise plenty beyond imagining. They also provide the strength to look at the dark side of existence – unfairness, dishonesty, anger, grief, doubt, guilt, and humiliation. People who are happy are the people who have found the cure for the relentless, soul-sapping complaints of everyday life. Only people who are calmed and nourished by these gifts can smile, like Jesus on the cross, while sharing the world’s pain.

Emotional wellbeing is the result of constantly receiving and filling up on the fruits of the Spirit – kindness, joy, peace, patience, generosity, fidelity, and much more. These blessings are natural coverings against the ravages of the cruelty and horror the world is so eager to offer. If you are filled with the wonder and joy of God’s gifts, you are ecstatic at the sight of growing things of the natural world – flowers, kittens, ice cream, and sunlight on a child’s hair – and the reality of destruction in the world breaks your heart. Contemplate fully what the loss feels like. What it does not feel is numb.

3.3. Relationship Enrichment

This command was born from the whining throng of Israelites who dreamt of Apis-style wining and dining in the pyrotechnic French sun while the palace maids catered to their every need. Sure, we know many were to the indignity of the herd, yet, longing to get over? Longing they had it, man. And it didn’t help the desert diet, even… two 3-5-ounce morsels might make the difference. Relational provisions are no less important to us. We depend on nurturing connections with God, family, and friends not just for mental and emotional support but for spiritual edification and protection. Think of relationship enhancement as an underside benefit in a commercial offering. Choosing St. Jude reflects measures that indicate spiritual connectedness. God knows this. Relationship outreach, then, is an integral facet of life design. Let’s revel in His expression of excellence.

The Lord answered, “I will shower down meat from the skies for you. Each day the people are to gather up what I will send them; it will allow them to eat their fill. That way I will test them to see whether they will follow my instructions or not. And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of Sin… the whole congregation of them murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. And the children of Israel said unto them, “Oh that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the Land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full.” Then said the Lord unto Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may see whether they will walk in my law or not. And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily” – Exodus 16:4, 22.

4. Encouragement Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I seek Your assistance, powerful and kind Maker, in this time of great urgency, earnestly asking for Your strength,

steadfast direction, and unwavering assistance.

I respectfully ask You, O divine Heavenly Presence, to fill my heart with Your deep and calm peace, surrounding me entirely with the warmth and affection of Your limitless love.

Help me, O gracious One, to place my steadfast faith and unwavering trust in Your carefully orchestrated plan,

finding comfort and satisfaction in each step of this challenging journey known as life.

May Your abundant blessings overflow in all areas of my life, bringing me comfort, renewal, and hope beyond comprehension.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Peace and blessings,

Saint Jude