Seraphic Angels

Saint Nicholas – Divine Riches: God’s Blueprint for Financial Blessing

Dear Believer,

Don’t worry, for I, Saint Nicholas, am here to remind you of the blessings that God has in store for your life. Your present hardships are just temporary tests in the big plan for your financial and spiritual success. Embrace this path with trust and bravery, knowing that God’s grace is always present.

1. Understanding Divine Riches

Prosperity is not evil. After all, our God is a God full of variety. In order for us to understand the meanings of financial wealth, we should believe in God. Only then will we be sustained during life’s most destructive storm. Without this inward vision, spiritual wealth and abundance will only accuse and condemn. In God’s Word, He does not promise His Treasury of Blessings to the ‘haves’ and absolutely deny them to the ‘have nots’. These Divine Promises, those bringing richness today and eternally, are not designed by God to be practiced only in the future. They are designed to offer us life in its demanding daily living challenges, to rebuild us after life’s destruction, to guide us out of past bondage.

What constitutes prosperity? Simply put, prosperity is multi-dimensional. Our key to prosperity should be based upon the original blueprint – that is the Divine Riches established and foreseen by God. Divine Riches are absolute riches. These riches are present when God is present. These riches include salvation, security, strength, wholeness, a multitude of things governing our lives, pleasure, making all determination possible, liberty, etc. These Divine Riches are a Statement of Rights, Declaration of Title, and a Legal Decree – all directed by God Himself!

2.1. Biblical Perspectives on Wealth and Blessings

Popular Theology asserts that to be wealthy and blessed is sinful. The counter-argument is on the Prosperity Gospel versus the Abundance Track, demonstrating the fine line between seeking material blessings and claiming God’s spiritual and physical blessings. It is simplistic to believe that wealth will automatically come because we are a child of God. Prosperity advocates speak of the presence of God’s riches and blessings to fulfill his purposes. Thus, Saint Nicholas brought riches to help others. The Prosperity Gospel does say that God wants to bless and satisfy his people, but wealthy followers still work and graft. Prosperity theology shows how God’s kingdom is implemented through people of extravagant wealth. God ordains money, where Saint Nicholas has a financial mission of caring and assisting others.

Is it sinful to be wealthy? Are beliefs about wealth present in the scriptures relevant for today? It is essential that believers are aware of popular beliefs about wealth, how biblical affirmative commands are overshadowed by disparaging theology. This article catalogues what the Bible has to say about wealth and blessing through popular theology versus abundance gospel. Scriptures confirm human tendencies on wealth and blessings with precise lessons, warnings, and advice. However, few who preach about money also preach the entire counsel of the Bible. The issue is deeper than simply theology or gaining money, questioning who pulls the strings when a holy God is glorified through wealth and His people assist others.

2. Saint Nicholas’s Legacy in Giving

Now is a good time to return to the original concept of St. Nicholas, the gift giver. During his lifetime, he gave most of his possessions to the poor. This is his principal legacy. His practice of small investments spread over time and beginning with his early life still prepare and prosper him for his life work of stewardship, not just for the earth, but also materially. His model is very useful for us today desiring investment with a positive, life-giving return and also for those of us who need enhancements to our stewardship skills in any given aspect of life. All we have to do is follow his example and follow God’s guidelines for investment in this area. Remember, many need encouragement regarding giving. No matter where you are in terms of stewardship of our resources, be honest with yourself today, seek out a spiritual advisor, and make giving thanks and giving of your riches to your neighbors a habit.

Even today, many Catholic churches have a celebration held after a novena mass in honor of St. Nicholas, usually observed on December 6. Then as now, in St. Nicholas’s name, many children from poor families receive gifts, meaning that there is a strong base of offerings made in his name throughout the world up until December 25. Most of these customs, long considered innocent fun for children, have become very commercialized. The image of St. Nicholas has been heavily commercialized as Santa Claus, making him one of the most marketable images of all time. This has also had the effect of utilizing time and money formerly set aside for religious offerings, many connected to the celebration of the Christmas season.

2.1. Acts of Charity and Generosity

In English-speaking countries, the vehicles for a personal outreach, assistance and personal interest to the young and old who may be troubled, in distress, and in need of friends, care and concern are two very ancient and unique means. One is Saint Nicholas, the 4th century Bishop of Myra. Various myths exist which present him as a white-haired, stocky, bearded man dressed in a traditional red suit with white fur trim, or as a slender and youthful man wearing a green prep school jacket with its school emblem and horsehair beaver top hat common to traditional American college, wearing a red headband to which a tassel is attached. The legend of Saint Nicholas is a story of faith, love, generosity, and good works. It teaches us that real goodness comes from helping others as a private venture to an individual in need of caring assistance. This is accomplished without common recognition, notoriety, fame, publicity, or financial reward.

One of the other greatest attributes of Saint Nicholas was his acts of charity and generosity. He could not stand to see the suffering of others. Of all his attributes, Santa Claus, the Americanized version of Saint Nicholas, is best known for his generosity. Indeed, the American Santa Claus outlines many of the characteristics of Saint Nicholas other than his real life story.

3. Applying God’s Blueprint for Financial Blessing

But tithing, in and of itself, is not enough. Giving is the foundation principle – it is the very cornerstone of God’s financial plan. We are to give as we are able (Deuteronomy 16:10) and “give generously” (Deuteronomy 15:10). According to the ‘Divine Riches Blueprint’, whenever we give, something remarkable takes place. When we give, our gifts are actually brought into God’s presence, they are received and brought to His table (Numbers 18:9, Proverbs 3:9-10). We are to give with the heart – to give often, to give impulsively whenever we see a need. And in return, God assures us that because of our giving heart, He “will make all grace abound to” us, so that in all things at all times, “we may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). He wants us to be “enriched in every way” for His glory (2 Corinthians 9:11).

So, in the ‘Divine Riches Blueprint’, tithing is the building principle! And tithing is so powerful in God’s divine financial plan that God challenges us to prove its efficacy: “‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, ‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'” (Malachi 3:10). If you don’t tithe, you’re actually “robbing” God (Malachi 3:8). And the consequence of robbing God? A divine curse! What a respecter of His basic financial rules He is!

3.1. Principles of Stewardship and Giving

Each of us can benefit from a good ground-laying course in every area, especially those areas in which scriptures defend our lives. Jesus said, “How is it that you can believe, who receive honor and glory from one another yet do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?” To have this happen, the following truths need to be highlighted about money management: a good word about money, salvation, principles of giving, conclusion, and invitation.

Proper stewardship and financial generosity are very important areas of our life as believers. We find that instruction about how we can be good stewards and also generous with our resources in many parts of the New Testament. The believer’s attitude regarding financial resources does reveal how real our devotion to God is. “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also,” Jesus Christ said. Proper giving is when we give freely of our love and devotion which are manifested in the form of our time, talents, and resources.

4. Encouragement Prayer

Dear Creator above,

I nurture my dear child as they face difficulties and suffering.

Pour out Your divine riches on them and guide them toward financial success and spiritual abundance.

Grant them wisdom, patience, and resolve. May Your peace, surpassing all understanding, shield their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

May they feel Your presence and unwavering love, knowing that You will never leave or forsake them.

Peace and blessings,

Saint Nicholas