Seraphic Angels

Saint Thomas – Infinite Increase: God’s Unstoppable Flow of Blessings

Dear Believer,

In the midst of your most difficult struggles and trials, I am here to constantly remind you that the blessings of a higher power are endless and His unlimited grace is truly unyielding.

No matter the challenges ahead, always keep in mind that there is an eternal presence with you, faithfully leading and showering you with unmatched affection endlessly and unconditionally.

His existence, similar to a steadfast light of optimism, serves as a continuous memory that you are not by yourself in your path, for He is the supreme provider of power and comfort.

Believe in His higher guidance and remain hopeful, for His affection has no limits and will always brighten your journey. As time goes by, you are surrounded by His eternal favor, consoling you and giving you strength to conquer any challenge that arises.

Embrace the infinite affection of the Divine, for in your times of hardship, He remains your steadfast guide, providing limitless help and motivation. Be certain that His love and blessings are consistently and unmistakably there for you, despite the challenges you encounter.

1. Understanding God’s Unstoppable Flow of Blessings

When God presents Himself to men, it is to talk of happiness. It is such a way as to show that He is grateful for it. And so, in the time of the condescension, some people get tired of being surrounded by so many interns in the mediation. While in the fullness of time, He reveals His perfection just as much. And thick other meadows are states within the limits of the entity of something else, more romantic than this, to point out that one had another good leadership dornified and startled by it. We said that since God one has His operations, in the free desire that one has to vary His endless acts, to give new and never equal gifts, to the intelligence and will worthy of receiving them, after showing the time, to will of infinitely opulence. What are we to do? Our work is also the last word in greatness. God is in such a hurry to give us happiness. He is in such a hurry. We do not have the fullness, but to an order, to give it to us, as they were saying just that they have not laid themselves.

Now, we don’t have to understand the infinite goodness, of which is derived the infinite possibility of His own acts, in order to offer to anyone the promise, verified by every hour of not stopping to doing our business of more than our job, that is sufficient. Let us remember that marvelous quote of the Summa for some weeks when we speak to a future dos! This office that defines it in the Sententia and as communicated by the Primitive Homonym. We offer a price to anyone who becomes our ally while, not fully grasping the infinite goodness, is minded to accept it. And that taking possession of this price is actually used as the measure of the degree of one’s understanding. To such an extent does friendship towards the infinite good become infinite. There are no individuals.

But the first thing we have to understand, according to the common doctrine that we are using, is that God is an infinite goodness. He is an infinite series of encouraging yeses! And from the infinite nature of His goodness is derived the infinite number of directions into which His high productivity is over His own acts that we spoke about. Who gains this time, let me show him heaven’s load. The infinite goodness of Saint Thomas’ teaching that he is infinite becomes infinite ways of doing so. And the whole theology of revelation, by which we speak with authority as those who know their business, is to advertise our product. This theology couldn’t be the Holy Catholic Church’s fundament unless it were true that God is offering to His own an infinite series, i.e., never-ending new ways of performing additional distinct acts, of making use of the blessings received from the act of being, in which He stops with His productivity bill.

1.1. Concept of Divine Grace

Regarding that from which it is derived, grace got its name from a lower concept, a favor, because one does not properly deserve a favor. A person disposes himself to grace not as a disposition to natural form. Sometimes it is necessary that he be altogether opposed. Dispositions for grace are contrary to grace as of its very act, because in order to be brought to the supernatural order, it is necessary that one’s heart be emptied not only of sin, but also of the preparation that is in them for it. Therefore, the act is called grace only of what is not deserving. However, when we call something unwegative grace, the grace is not called for the negative but for its own proper object. The reason is that there exist many kinds of good on which one could not depend even with the spiritual preparation being hardened grace. Therefore, when someone disposes himself to righteousness according to the law, the habit is a grace and disposal that is prepared or spiritual since the disposition is in one’s affection.

2. Practical Steps to Connect with God’s Blessings

Do the best you can every day to do what you see you should, and don’t waste time frowning or obsessing on your performance. Trust that God loves you completely and will help you to find your way back to love when you have lost your way. The Lord has brought me thus far without showing me a single release point for a single mistake. If He’s going to protect and guide me and balance the negative consequences of my mistakes no matter what I do, growing and correcting all the mistakes I’ve made seems like it can only help. It is always beneficial to listen for God’s direction and to adjust your direction according to what you discern. Don’t feel constrained to take foolish risks waiting to receive your “next instruction,” but wherever you’re able, move as deliberately as you can. From all I can tell, deliberate movement in line with probable improvements is what God has in mind when He gives commands. But remember that God doesn’t see life among the creatures on Earth as the ultimate end of your life. The ultimate end of your life is eternal life in the presence of God. Created action is a tool for growth and learning, not a measure of success. Success is unchanging and already ours. We only need to wake up and realize we have achieved the good we seek. And then try to live in conformity with this realization. That’s faith, righteousness, keeping the Lord’s commands, and every other traditional virtue of Christian living. No more, no less.

It is impossible to do anything practical to bring God’s blessings on yourself, but you can be ready for them if God chooses to bestow them, and you will be blessed through your exercise of being open to the growth of your receiving capacity.

2.1. Prayer and Meditation Techniques

One practical consequence of what has been said so far is clearly that the main aim of any prayer technique has to be to accept, understand, and acknowledge that one needs a certain technique at a given moment. It is as if spiritual directors wanted to tell us: “There is no such thing as the ultimate technique, just as there is no way to get rid of all possible pretexts not to meditate on God. There is no shortcut. There is only the awareness that you have to find a way of praying, and that at times finding this way is much more important than praying.”

Ascetic literature is full of statements on the difficulties encountered during prayer, as well as the techniques helping to overcome them. Some authors go to great lengths in their attempts to draw a detailed picture of the innumerable difficulties that one might encounter while meditating on God with a pure heart. They describe the many different pretexts that can prevent one from doing so, and they list a corresponding number of spiritual techniques to break the bond of the pretexts. The explicit choice of the hermeneutical circle as a method to tear down the possible pretexts for not being able to concentrate on God underlines the relevance of certain techniques which, realistically, everybody must apply to ‘incise’ the circle and go on without stopping. Such necessity is not obvious, but always overlooked.

3. Conclusion

These conclusions must not imply that temporal things cease to be important. They are important in themselves as they reach the perfection suitable to them, and for those who possess them, they effect a transit toward the possession of the highest good. In this sense, the comment that concludes the series of dist. 44 is significant: “So, therefore, things temporal are rather the way toward eternal things than the end.”

The procession and final end point of the world are according to the power and will of God. His power is expressed by omnipotence, for the procession of the whole of created being comes from nothing and his will, for everything that comes from nothing is defined in being through his will. He is also the author of the procession’s becoming and order. The end point is also according to the power and will of God, and nothing is able to resist it. The end of the world is more hidden, wholly contained in absolute omnipotence and complete freedom of the will.

3.1. Embracing Hope and Trust in God’s Plan

“It’ll be my help too if you have a living confidence in other people. Saint Thomas sees an essential human community. Living alone and doing everything by ourselves is impossible. It’s all part of the cross of Jesus who worked with his blessed hands, in love, but was really fully capable for everything. The message has been repeated time and time again, in different words and gatherings: “We must believe in the greatness and power of a universal Law, a unique all-embracing loving plan.” It is part of our trust in God that we also trust his ways of working in our families, our communities, and ultimately, in the Church. “God tells you: ‘And don’t worry. You’re needed down there, but anyone needed down there is even more needed closer to the throne of grace, which is also yours, for you’re a child of God.’ Go to the holy hiding places that I am telling you about, where you’ll have a more intimate company.”

“You often get discouraged, I can tell. You see yourself as very limited, weak and incapable of having an impact. That’s a sure sign that you’re trusting in yourself, perhaps not really putting much trust in the hidden power dwelling within you. You need to embrace hope, for you are not alone. Your strength is real, even though hidden. It’s alive and capable of anything, for it’s the very power of the light that shines through the Mother of God.” Saint Thomas’ message then is both simple and elementary: have childlike trust and know that he wants you to trust. If I trust that even my weakness, my failures, my tiny attempts to love are within God’s providential plan for me, then I can continue to trust and love, continuing the cycle of trust, love, trust.

5. Encouragement Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I am grateful for the endless blessings and constant outpouring of grace from You.

I lift up my beloved brother/sister who is facing challenges.

Empower their belief, comfort their soul, and assure them of Your everlasting companionship.

Guide them to rely on Your flawless schedule and to make decisions with confidence, understanding that You are their source of support and strength.

Let Your message bring inspiration and optimism to their everyday experience.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Remain favored and focus your gaze on the One who has control over everything.

Peace be with you always.

Saint Thomas